Used to do art, somehow my canvas turned into cakes... Still learning, and slowly developing so maybe one day it will be more than a hobby...

This blogg is here for me to share my hard earned knowledge about making and decorating cakes, cupcakes, cookies and cakepops. I am self taught, so I have therefore learnt the hard way. Hopefully you won't have as hard of a time. Good luck, and Enjoy! J.

lördag 23 februari 2013

So about me.

Here we go again... Attempt 2 at blogging.

I would like to see my last try as a practice run and that this time... THIS time I will not only stick to it, but excel at it... I know I'm digging my own grave...

So about me.

I am a mother of two, wife of one, sister of 5 and daughter of 2. I live in Fritsla, Sweden. In a house that feels like its still stuck in the 30's but that we will slowly be bringing into the 21st century but with a rustic charm. My family consists of me Josefine, my husband Nick, my beautiful daughters Elinor(3) and Penelope(3 months). They are my life.

I started making cakes just over 2 years ago now and have been learning ever since. It's a hobby. I make cakes for friends and family and the occasional friend of a friend. One day maybe this will be more than a hobby, but not before I have given my everything to my family first. <3.

I love my family, my life and my kitchen.



2 kommentarer:

  1. Du är så oerhört begåvad! jag följer och beundrar! KRam till dig!

  2. Tack Louise! Detsamma!!! Det är så underbart att se och läsa om dig och din familj!!! <3 KRAM
