Used to do art, somehow my canvas turned into cakes... Still learning, and slowly developing so maybe one day it will be more than a hobby...

This blogg is here for me to share my hard earned knowledge about making and decorating cakes, cupcakes, cookies and cakepops. I am self taught, so I have therefore learnt the hard way. Hopefully you won't have as hard of a time. Good luck, and Enjoy! J.

måndag 4 mars 2013

My First Wedding Cake.

This was not work.

My husbands best friend was getting married to a girl from Jersey. If you don't know where Jersey is, it's just off the coast of France, but it belongs to the British Isles. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.

They wondered if I could decorate their wedding cake. They would order covered cakes from Marks and Spencers and I would simply decorate it. They know their colors (maroon and gold) and their theme. Literature. So I brought my colors and the rest they provided as I couldn't take sugarpaste on the plane. So it was a little of an improvisation job.

This was Nick and I's first vacation together as a married couple. And quite literally the first time I was away from my 2 year old... EVER. Nicks parents came up to help us out with babysitting for the 4 days we would be gone. I was so stressed before the trip. Nothing was going right. And my expectations for the the holiday were very low. I think the cherry on the cake was when we got there and there was no one there to pick us up. I was close to a nervous breakdown. Then we met one of nicks friends at the airport who was renting a car. And from then on our time was spent either on the beach, at an amazing wedding, at amazing restaurants and always with awesome people

Now about the cake.

So I started by picking off the little pieces of royal icing that M&S thought would be decorative. This was tedious work as it would leave marks on the cake. So I knew that I would need to cover the cakes again. I had some thought of what I would do but it had to be altered slightly by the BAD finish of the cake. For the amount of money they spent on that cake they didn't get great quality. That's for sure. But I did what I could with it and they were overjoyed with the result. 

I saw one of the books that they would have as a table decoration and immediately thought of it topping the cake. They loved the idea so I went for it and added the rings as they wouldn't have a bride and groom top it. 

The roses were made out of Sugarpaste, not Gumpaste.. Which perhaps gives you an idea of how difficult it was to get them semi-right.

After having worked for quite a few hours the bride and groom said that enough was enough. They didn't want me spending anymore time in the kitchen while everyone else in the wedding party including them were out on the beach. So they dragged me out and what an amazing time we all had!



2 kommentarer:

  1. vi ska ha tårttävling här i församlingen på lördag... kanske du skulle komma hit och hälsa på och spöa skräpet ur oss alla? ;)

    1. Hahaha :-D! Men VA kul aktivitet!!! DET hade jag hängt med på på momangen!!! Ni kommer ha hur kul som helst!
